
Our team is made up of dedicated, likeable, competent colleagues who fulfil a wide range of functions.

My name is Susanne and I put that “final polish” on cast parts in the processing department.

My name is Detlef and I make sure we are always “amped up”. I’m an electrician in the service team.
We are Dominik and Florian, and we look after production process design. We work in project engineering.
We are Thomas and Dennis from the tool shop. We make and maintain our casting tools.
My name is Tanja and I make sure that all production materials are on hand.
My name is Axel. As head of design, I work with CAD and simulation software.
Hello, I’m Dilber and I check the quality of our products.
Hello, I’m Rüdiger and I program our CNC processing centres.

Hello, my name is Dominik and I’m the shift manager in the foundry.

My name is David. I work in logistics and make sure that all parts arrive completely and on time.
Hello, I’m Dirk. I work in sales and look after all concerns of our customers.
Your name could be here. We look forward to your application!